It seems like it is no longer the empaths of this world who are challenged to remain positive, hopeful and regulated on a day to day basis. With growing instability and polarization on national and international fronts, it is becoming more and more difficult for all of us to remain remain whole, humane and present to it all. Many people are outwardly donning their familiar masks of invulnerability and immunity, while others are quietly shutting down and shutting others out to maintain some semblance of order and a sense of who they are. Then, there are those who set the bar high with the intention of not only maintaining basic civility and engagement, but continuing to try to lead with their hearts, holding on to their empathy and open-heartedness despite all the surrounding apathy, detachment and hostility. These folks seem to require daily triage, utilizing every spiritual tool in their toolbox and still often coming up short and not fully resuscitated.

Interestingly, the solution to protecting one’s heart in the midst of so much negativity and mayhem is to recognize it’s inherent strength and to fully engage with it. Your heart will actually protect YOU. It is your superpower during these challenging times. As far as organs go, the heart is no shrinking violet in the landscape of the human body. Did you know that the heart generates the largest electromagnetic field in the body, and can be detected several feet away? Heartmath Institute Director of Research, Rollin Mc Craty explains that the heart has an electrical component about 60 times greater in amplitude than the brain, and an electromagnetic energy field 5,000 times greater. When the heart is in a state of coherence, we are less likely to be affected by negativity. We can remain emotionally composed and flexible in our perceptions and responses. We can deflect any momentary human malware with the grace of a highly adorned aikido master.

Moreover, a coherent heart can disrupt incoherence in others, and can reverberate more positive heart and brain waves all around. Fortunately, the state of coherence refers to a state of balance when our body’s systems, including our breathing, heart rhythms, brain rhythms and hormonal response, are in sync with each other. Coherence can be learned, practiced and honed. The next time the world feels particularly harsh or chaotic, remember the strength and resilience of your heart’s electromagnetic energy field, and practice partnering with this fierce protector.

About the Author: Dr. Pamela Zamel

Dr. Pamela Zamel is a licensed psychologist and a certified Kundalini Yoga and Meditation instructor (IKYTA). She has been gifted the spiritual name, Ranpreet Kaur, “she who brings love to adversity”.